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They Requested 100 Consultants About Proxy Sites. One Answer Stood Out

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A proxy is also known as an application called a proxy that acts to act as a mediator between server and client on the internet. Without the proxy, a customer could submit a request for an online resource directly to a server, and the server would serve the resource directly back at the requester’s. While this approach is straightforward to understand and implement but using proxies provides benefits such as improved performance as well as privacy, security and more. As a pass-through layer, the proxy functions as a security guardian of the internet between clients and servers.

Generally speaking, the combined combination of server hardware and proxy software is commonly called proxy servers. This article will focus on proxies which are generally defined as software, and when referring to web servers. This article will present the full description of two types: the forward proxy and reverse proxy. reverse proxy. Each type has its own usage scenario, which is often misunderstood because of the identical terminology.

This article will provide details on the different types of proxy services, what their subtypes, as well as how they work with a range of configurations. By reading this article, you’ll be able to identify the situations in which using proxies can be advantageous and pick the most appropriate solution for reverse or forward proxy in any given scenario.

Understanding Forward Proxies

The forward proxy, sometimes referred to as the open proxy is a proxy for a customer who needs to send a request via the internet to an the server that made it. In this situation, the entire attempt to send requests from the user will instead be transmitted through the forward proxy. A forward proxy acting in place of the client, will look into the request. Then, it determines whether the user is authorised to transmit requests through this specific forward proxy. Then, it decides to reject any request, or forward it to the server that originated it. The client is not able to have direct connection directly to internet. It is able to access only what forward proxy permits it access to.

One of the most popular uses for forward proxies is increased privacy or security while using the internet. Forward proxy is able to access the internet on behalf of a client. by doing this it can utilize an IP address that is different from the IP address used by the client.

Based on the way it has been configured depending on how it is configured, forward proxy may offer you a variety of features based on the configuration it, allowing you to:

  • Do not be a victim of ad trackers.

  • Circumvent surveillance.

  • Be aware of restrictions based on the location.

Forward proxies are also utilized for security systems which are centralized as well as permission-based access, like at a workplace. If all internet traffic flows through an open forward proxy, the administrator can grant only a small number of clients access to the internet through the common firewall. Instead of creating firewalls on the server layer, which can comprise a variety of devices that operate in various environments and users, a firewall could be installed at the forward proxy layer.

It is essential to note that forward proxies must be manually setup to use, whereas reverse proxies can be hidden from the user. Depending on the type of IP address of the user who is transferred to the server from which it originated through forward proxy Privacy and anonymity could be granted or not.

There are many options to consider for forward proxy services.

  • Apache A well-known open source web server that provides forward proxy features.

  • Nginx: Another widely used open-source web server with the ability to forward-proxy.

  • Squid is a free forward proxy using an HTTP protocol. Squid doesn’t include the full web server. You can read our article about the best method to create Squid proxy to connect privately in Ubuntu 20.04.

  • Dante is an forward proxy that uses the SOCKS protocol instead of HTTP and HTTP which makes it better for applications such as peer-to-peer traffic. It is also possible to learn how to set up Dante proxy to allow private connections with Ubuntu 20.04

Understanding Reverse Proxies

A reverse proxy functions as an agent for the web server which manages incoming requests from clients on behalf of. Web servers can comprise servers, or even multiple servers. Additionally, it can be an application-server like Gunicorn. In any of these scenarios, the request will come via the internet at large. In the majority of cases, requests will then be transmitted directly to the web server with the resources that the user seeks. Reverse proxy acts as an intermediary and isolates the webserver from direct interaction via the open internet.

From the viewpoint of a user the experience of using reverse proxy isn’t different than connecting to an internet server directly. It’s essentially the same but the client can’t see the distinction. The client requests an item and receives it, with no extra configuration required by the client.

Reverse proxies can provide features such as:

  • Security centralized to web server.

  • Controlling traffic that is incoming according to rules you have set.

  • New functionality added for caching.

While centralized security is a benefit of both forward and reverse proxy servers. Reverse proxy servers offer this feature only to the layer that is the webserver and not to clients. instead of the maintenance of firewalls on the web server layer which could contain multiple servers with different configurations, the majority of firewall security is targeted at the reverse proxy layer. In addition, getting rid of the responsibility of interfacing with firewalls and communicating with requests from clients through web servers allows them to concentrate on addressing the needs of their customers.

In the case of multiple servers using reverse-proxies, the reverse proxy can also handle the direction of which requests are directed towards which servers. Multiple web servers could be operating within the same system, offering different types of resources or a mix of both. They can use the HTTP protocol as a traditional web server, but they can also be equipped with protocols for application servers such as FastCGI. You can set up a reverse proxy that directs users to a particular server according to the service required, or to certain rules regarding the amount of traffic.

Reverse proxies may also benefit by being placed over web servers by providing caching capabilities. Massive static files can be configured with caching rules to avoid the need to call web servers every time. Certain software solutions let you directly serve static assets without having to connect with the webserver for even one time. Additionally the reverse proxy is capable of handling the compression of these files.

The well-known Nginx web server also functions as a well-known reverse proxy option. Even though Apache is an alternative to reverse proxy however, the Apache web server also comes with reverse proxy functions, but it’s a separate feature available to Apache as opposed to Nginx was originally designed to and focuses upon the feature of reverse proxy.

Differentiating Forward Proxy from reverse Proxy Use

Because “forward” as well as “reverse” are both associated with an impression of directionality and inaccurate comparisons to “incoming” and “outgoing” traffic the labels can be confusing since both types of proxy services handle requests and responses. The most effective way to distinguish between reverse and forward proxy providers is to consider the needs of the application you’re creating.

A reverse proxy is useful in the development of a solution to offer web-based applications on the internet. They are your web servers in any interaction with the internet.

Forward proxy are useful when put before users for personal use, or in an office setting. They serve as a representation of the traffic of your client every time you connect to the internet.

The practice of segregating by use case instead of just focusing on the most the most common naming conventions will ensure that you don’t get confused.


This article explains the meaning of a proxy using the two major types, which are the forward proxy and reverse proxy. Practical examples of how to use them as well as a review of the useful features were utilized to distinguish forward proxies and reverse proxy. If you’re looking to know more about the possibilities of proxies, you should read our tutorial for configuring Nginx as a web server and reverse proxy within Apache on one Ubuntu 20.04 server.

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